General Terms of Use

These General Terms of Use are to be considered as an integral part of the website, where a reference is made to this page.

The information provided through this website was compiled by the author with utmost care and to the best of his knowledge and ability. However, the author shall not assume any liability for the accuracy, validity, quality or completeness of the provided information. All statements and specifications pertaining to legal, judicial, medical or any other type of information are not mandatory and shall be applicable only to the Federal Republic of Germany unless expressly specified otherwise. Particularly forward-looking statements are provided without any guarantee, since future developments are subject to varied and unpredictable influencing factors.

All offers are subject to alteration and are not binding. They can be modified, amended or deleted by the author at any point of time, either partially or completely, without prior notification

The author is responsible for the contents of the information provided in conformance with the general laws, whereby the liability claims raised against him, following tangible or intangible damages resulting from usage or non-usage of the provided information, will be solely limited to intent or gross negligence.

The author’s website contains direct and indirect references to foreign websites that are operated by third parties (“links”). The author does not have any influence on the contents of these external websites and shall not adopt or own the same by setting a link.

The author expressly declares that there was no evidence of legal violations on the linked pages at the time of setting the corresponding link. However, the contents of the linked pages are not monitored or checked by the author. Also, the author has no influence on the current as well as future contents of these linked pages. Hence, the author disassociates himself from all contents of the linked pages, which has been altered after setting the link. The author shall not assume any liability for the contents of these linked websites. The responsibility for the contents and accuracy of the information provided on these linked pages lies with the respective provider.

However, should the author detect any legal violation on a linked page, he shall remove the corresponding link immediately.

The author shall make every effort to take into account the industrial property rights for all the publications that he makes on this website. As a user of the contents and information provided on this website, you must also observe the copyright law, name and trademark protection law, ancillary copyright law as well as other industrial property rights of the author and/or third party.

We would expressly like to point out that the mere provision of information and images on this website does not imply that the user is granted usage rights or miscellaneous industrial property rights by the author or third parties.

The copyright for this website lies with the author. The contents of this website may not be duplicated, processed, distributed or used beyond the copyright limits, without the prior written approval of the author. Downloading and copying from our website is permitted for private use only.

We strive to comply with the copyright law of other parties and only use content and works created by ourselves and license-free content. Contributions made by third parties are marked as such. If material protected by copyright is used on this website, please notify us immediately. We shall remove such copyrighted material with immediate effect.

If parts or individual phrases of these General Terms of Use do not comply with the applicable legal situation, this shall not affect the remaining clauses of the General Terms of Use, as regards the contents and validity.

As of: May 22nd, 2018